Monday, December 8, 2008
Energy Foods For A Day At The Office!
There is a culture and lifestyle far from sky rise offices, commuting through congested city traffic, and tailored suits, and heels.
This is a profession for those whom prefer the fresh crisp air over air conditioning and thrive in the natural light from the sun.
In order to work for 8 hours in any giving weather condition, weighted with hundreds of little seedlings, and clinging on to the sides of unstable clear cuts stored energy is a requirement.
First thing all tree planters need is rest. Sleep is absolutely most important. Try walking on slippery loose debris down a steep slope tired or hungover! I have and it is super stupid! It is tough enough with fresh corks in your boots and totally alert.
Proper fuel is just as important.
You can't expect a whole lot of energy if you don't have food.
Every morning I blend myself a Super Green Smoothie and I drink the whole blender...
Throughout the day I snack on apples, dried fruits and mixed nuts.
Water consumption is so crucial. I don't think anyone drinks near enough! 6-8 liters is what I try to drink, even when it is snowy, rainy and frickin cold...I try but tend to not succeed. When the temp starts to rise into the 20-30's your water intake should increase as well.
Dinner should consist of lots of greens, veggies, and proteins. Raw/Vegan foods are super high in fiber and protein. Here are a few Fabulous protein sources.
Nuts and seeds, hemp protein powders or hemp seed/hearts, soy products, and green veggies.. Face it you can get protein from almost any whole foods.
Treeplanters have been slaving away in the hidden messes beyond the highways and tucked away in between mountain valleys where most spectacular views can't be seen. So next time you drive pass a clearing off the side of a highway on that steep mountain slope, picture a treeplanter climbing and planting one tree at a time every 2-3 meters apart. Logging is a way of life for many families, but the old growth forests can never been replaced, not even in 800 years......
I am passionate and care about the future of our forests. For every tree cut down many lives are lost.. creatures small and large.
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